Monday, June 30, 2014

Finally, an update!

Hey all!
This last week was successful yet worried me at the same time. I've
forgotten to mention in the last few emails about something which has
been pretty exciting. For the last several weeks we were planning a missionary fireside for the ward. Unlike our stake, which has firesides pretty regularly, the Rockford stake has not had one
apparently in years, if that. So at first the members weren't sure it would draw a crowd. The theme of the fireside was the blessings of the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ, which we thought would be perfect for those with little knowledge about the church. The next idea we had was to have a convert tell their conversion story and how the Restored
Gospel blessed their life. Then we asked our mission president if he could speak and he accepted. What was nice was that he spoke at stake conference a couple weeks ago and people were so impressed that they became excited to come to the fireside. Then we made flyers and just handed them out like crazy to members and non members. It was
scheduled for last night, and so this last week we were stressing out about people coming. But people came! Word spread and missionaries from the entire stake came and brought their members, and our members came and brought their friends. Something silly that happened was that as I was helping someone bring some vegetable trays inside I dropped one in front of President Fenn. It was a great night for everyone. The talks were awesome and we filled the chapel. We even had a translator
for a Spanish family who came. Afterward we had refreshments and President Fenn told me that he was impressed by the number of people who came, which was nice to hear from him.

Now onto to your questions. Three weeks from tomorrow will be transfers. Elder Noho has been in the Rockford 1st ward for six months, so he thinks he'll go and I'll stay. Which is kind of scary since I'm still new to the area, but I welcome the opportunity. I do have allergies here, but I've been taking some medication which has been helping a lot. And there are actually a lot of kids in the ward.
There's also a lot of dream couples like Jared and Brittney and Andrew and Jessica. It's nice to feel an extension of home.

We've been knocking on doors a lot in order to find people, but success is slowly coming. We've found a couple of women who seem I nterested but it's been hard to meet with them since they're gone on the day we schedule to see them a lot. A member did refer us to one of her friends who already took the lessons and was ready to be baptized,
but was not married to the man she was living with at the time. Now she is, so she might be able to be baptized this Saturday if she's worthy and has kept the faith. And we found a woman who lives two houses from us. So we hope for two baptisms in June!

Well I love all of you! P.S. Dad, respond to my last email, and you too Carly!

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